Shop OctoberWorks Books

After Eden: The Double Identity of Carbon After Eden: The Double Identity of Carbon
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After Eden: The Double Identity of Carbon

by Suzanne Anker

No matter in how orderly a way we may attempt to plan our future, uncertainty will meddle. 

The series of photographs and collages collected in this volume began at the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It commenced as a chronicle of the natural space confined within the bounds of the observer’s home garden. The exploration originated as the unbiased witnessing of seasonal rhythms as they altered a rich microcosm made of plants, flowers, and trees. 

SOFTCOVER List Price $45
8.5 x 11 in. (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Full color bleed
186 pages
75 artworks

Imprint: OctoberWorks
ISBN: 978-1-959262-05-3
LOC: 2023918700
BISAC: ART016010 [Individual Artists/Artists' Books]

Representing Justice Representing Justice
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Representing Justice

Invention, Controversy, and Rights in City-States and Democratic Courtrooms

by Judith Resnik and Dennis E. Curtis

By mapping the remarkable run of the icon of Justice, a woman with scales and sword, and by tracing the development of public spaces dedicated to justice—courthouses—the authors explore the evolution of adjudication into its modern form as well as the intimate relationship between the courts and democracy. The authors analyze how Renaissance “rites” of judgment turned into democratic “rights,” requiring governments to respect judicial independence, provide open and public hearings, and accord access and dignity to “every person.” With over 260 images, readers can see both the longevity of aspirations for justice and the transformation of courts, as well as understand that, while venerable, courts are also vulnerable institutions that should not be taken for granted.

HARDCOVER List Price: $112.99
: OctoberWorks
ISBN: 978-1-7321801-8-5
LOC: 2022909426
BISAC: ART037000 [Art & Politics]; ART009000 [Criticism & Theory]; LAW025000 [Law, Courts]

Reveries: Journaling in Place Reveries: Journaling in Place
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Reveries: Journaling in Place

by Susan Newbold

The dictionary definition of reverie is a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts. This book Reveries: Journaling in Place is the result of careful editing of Susan Newbold’s twenty-five artist journals containing images which were an attempt to capture her reveries which she wanted to share. These images come from international and national locales where the author has lived or traveled, and each have unique qualities. Newbold teaches a course called “The Illuminated Journal” — a workshop which combines painting, printmaking, drawing and writing and ends in a handmade journal which the students each create. The practice of journaling has been an important part of her art making which she is eager to share with the readers of this book.

Hardcover w/ DustJacket: $75
12 x 9 in. (30.48 x 22.86 cm)
Full color bleed
164 pages
115 artworks

Imprint: OctoberWorks
ISBN: 978-1-7321801-6-1
BISAC: ART016010 ART [Individual Artists/Artists' Books]; ART010000 ART [Techniques/Drawing]

Our Community at Winchester Our Community at Winchester
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Our Community at Winchester

The City and Its Workers at New Haven’s Gun Factory

by Joan Cavanagh

From the late 19th century through the early 21st, the Winchester Repeating Arms Company was an important employer in New Haven, Connecticut. The legendary guns it produced and their role in American expansionism at home and abroad were celebrated, largely uncritically, in movies, books, and songs. But the stories of those who worked there and of the company’s impact on its host community have received little attention.

The tale includes elements familiar to students of United States economic, social and labor history: workers’ struggles to win collective bargaining rights and to achieve equity in the work place across all job classifications, ages and ethnicities; relentless management efforts to divide them and prevent, then undermine, union representation; a ruthless company’s repeated threats to leave town in order to force union concessions and win economic incentives and tax abatements from city government; and the gentrified aftermath of the loss of working class jobs in an American city.

The story of New Haven’s experience unfolds in Our Community at Winchester through interviews with former workers and their families as well as material from union newsletters, archival records, and city publications.

Case Laminate Hardcover: $38.99
8 x 10 in. (20.32 x 25.4 cm)
170 pages
138 illustrations, photos, ephemera

Imprint: OctoberWorks
ISBN: 978-1-7321801-5-4
BISAC: POL013000 [Political Science/Labor & Industrial Relations]; NHIS054000 [History/Social History]

Me + Chris: A dog’s story by Alex Me + Chris: A dog’s story by Alex
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Me + Chris: A dog’s story by Alex

by Christoper Cozzi

Me & Chris is the story of best friends: a dog named Alex—(a mix of Labrador and maybe a little bit of Beagle and Rhodesian Ridgeback) and his master, Chris (a mix of visual artist, teacher, designer, and master stoneworker).

In this highly visual, memoir-style scrapbook, Alex takes the lead and, from his canine perspective, tells the story of these two constant companions and the lifetime of adventures they shared: renovating houses, building gardens and stone walls, forming and ending relationships, and—in a novel and sometimes controversial way—teaching art to elementary school students in an urban public school. 

This fast-paced, visually compelling book is fully illustrated with color photographs and with facsimile journal pages and artwork by the artist-author, documenting the many years that the two faithful friends spent together.

Perfect Bound List Price: $33
8 x 10 in. (20.32 x 25.4 cm) 
Full color
168 pages

Imprint: OctoberWorks
ISBN: 978-1732180-10-9
BISAC: BIO026000 [Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoir]; PET004020 [Pets/Dogs/Training]

Peace & Health Peace & Health Peace & Health Peace & Health
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Peace & Health

How a group of small-town activists and college students set out to change healthcare

by Charles Barber

Peace & Health is the story behind this improbable effort: the 20-year-old who plants the flag in his small hometown of Middletown, Connecticut; the daughter of a sharecropper, who made her way north during the great migration and becomes the North Star of the drive to transform health in the community; the son of a Jewish émigré and pharmacist who breaks from his peers to support the cause; the musician who played in the big bands of the South in the 1930's, who loses his teeth and is now determined to make sure others do not lose theirs; and the college student and future US Senator who helps buy the building so the free clinic would not be shut down permanently. A young nurse-practitioner joins the organization as it expands beyond one Connecticut town, and today, Community Health Center (CHC) and its Weitzman Institute operate programs across the US, transforming the delivery of health care for populations who have been ignored.


Midwest Book Review | Review
| Review
Publisher’s Weekly | Takeaway: The fascinating story of Connecticut’s Community Health Center, a visionary free clinic. Production Grades: Cover: B+ | Design and typography: A | Illustrations: A | Editing: A | Marketing: A-

Hardcover & Paperback: $28.99
8.5 x 11 in. (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
178 pages
199 illustrations

Imprint: OctoberWorks
Hardcover ISBN: 978-19-59262-00-8
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-959262-02-2
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-9592620-1-5
LOC: 2022916116
BISAC: BUS070170 [Business & Economics]; MED039000 [Medical, Health Care Delivery]

Paz y Salud

Cómo un grupo de activistas de una pequeña ciudad y estudiantes universitarios propusieron cambiar la atención médica

By Charles Barber

A Mouth Full : The Re-Cookbook A Mouth Full : The Re-Cookbook
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A Mouth Full : The Re-Cookbook

by Jeanne Criscola & Joan Fitzsimmons

A Mouth Full: The Re-Cookbook takes the archetypal cookbook beyond images of food and recipes that make your mouth water. It’s a prototype for rethinking what a cookbook evokes and what it can become—a place where the mind can wander through memories of food, recipes, people, and places that make us who we are.

The book concept is a reification of the cookbook and a collection of art, photographs, posters, and ephemera centered around two artists and colleagues conversations about family, food, and recipes fused together with memories and the places they came from. As the artists/colleagues examined the evolution of their personal collections—from the clippings, award-winning heirlooms, homespun recipe booklets, to Internet screen grabs—they found relationships to time and space, embedded essences, deep connections, and well—to be perfectly frank—someone to listen to their stories of special occasions, awkward holidays, and family drama, and more. One’s memories include a cardboard box salvaged from some gift filled with a random selection of clipped recipes. For the other, recipes and images of winners in 1950’s bake-off cookbooks have inspired projects where family secrets and financial gain are traded and revealed.

Hardcover List Price: $49.99
11 x 8.5 in. (27.94 x 21.59 cm) 
Full color bleed
140 pages
225 photos and ephemera
60 recipes

Imprint: OctoberWorks
ISBN: 978-1-7321801-3-0
BISAC: CKB127000 [Cooking/Comfort Food]; ART023000 [Art/Popular Culture]; DES001000 [Design/Book]; FAM002000 [Family & Relationships/Activities]

Vulnerable But Not Broken Vulnerable But Not Broken
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Vulnerable But Not Broken

Psychosocial Challenges and Resilience Pathways Among Unaccompanied Children from Central America

by American Psychological Association Immigration Working Group

This report, Vulnerable But Not Broken, provides an overview on the myriad issues facing unaccompanied children from Central America apprehended at the Southwest border of the United States. The document highlights these children's ability to overcome challenging histories and adapt to the changes in familial and social environment that life in the United States presents, and identifies some of the key supportive resources that can help them to do so. The psychosocial aspects of this humanitarian crisis are reviewed, outlining priority areas for future research and providing recommendations for culturally and developmentally informed practice, programs, and legal advocacy.

Manuel Paris, Jr., Psy.D.
Claudette “Claudia” Antuña, Psy.D., MHSA, LICSW
Charles Baily, Ph.D.
Giselle A. Hass, Psy.D.
Cristina Muñiz de la Peña, Ph.D.
Michelle A. Silva, Psy.D.
Tejaswinhi Srinivas, Ph.D.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Ruthie Abel, Let It Be The Dream It Used To Be, a collaborative photography project with unaccompanied children. © 2017 Ruthie Abel.

Perfect Bound List Price: $28.00
8 x 10 in. (20.32 x 25.4 cm)
Full color
100 pages
13 photos & information graphics

ISBN: 978-1-7234443-8-8
BISAC: PSY050000 [Psychology/Ethnopsychology]; PSY002000 [Psychology/Developmental/Adolescent]; PSY004000 [Psychology/Developmental/Child]