Creative Services
Jeanne Criscola and Deborah Cannarella have been working together on large and small print and screen (or both) projects for over 30 years.
Deborah Cannarella

Literary Essays
“Eight Italian Innovators in Prose: A Review of the International Anthology Short”
Italian Poetry Review, 2015
“On Longevity,” Crazyhorse, 2014 (winner, 2014 prize for nonfiction) “Heirloom,” Paterson Literary Review, 2012
“A Model of Integrated Care: South Central Rehabilitation Center,” Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, 2011
“Feltwork with Flair: Traditional Techniques, New Markets,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1996
“Ellis Island Treasures: What They Carried,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1996
“Berlin Work,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1995
“Stitching Together Old World and New,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1995
“The Story of Gertrude Rapp: Piety, Prosperity, and Lovely Silk Ribbons,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1994
“The 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Co. Fire,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1993
“Touched by the Flames: Sarah Sorenson, 1888–1992,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1993
“To Ornament Their Minds: Sarah Pierce’s Litchfield Female Academy,” PieceWork magazine, May/April 1993
“Ten Years of Crochet,” Threads magazine, October/November, 1985
“Fabric About Fabric: Junichi Arai’s Computer Textiles,” Threads magazine, October/November 1985
“What Ails the Apparel Industry?” Threads magazine, October/November, 1985
Editorial Essays
“The Maker’s Way,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997 “To Sample,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Skimming the Surfaces,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Palm Sunday,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997 “Provocations,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“The Mysterious Islands,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998 “Little Things Matter,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1998
“Crazy, They Call Me,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998 “From Hand to Hand,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“The Human-Canine (and vice versa) Connection,” Your Dog, April 2000 “Dog Heaven,” Your Dog, June 2000
“Ode to the Ordinary,” Your Dog, August 2000 “Choices,” Your Dog, October 2000
“The Trouble with Harry,” Your Dog, November 2000
America the Beautiful: Kansas, Scholastic, 2009
Beading for the Soul: Inspired Designs from 23 Contemporary Artists, Interweave Press, 2005
Simple Scrapbooks: Ideas and Techniques, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2004
Zora Neale Hurston: African-American Writer, The Child’s World, 2004
James Baldwin: African-American Writer and Activist, The Child’s World, 2004
Our Cultural Heritage: Cuban Americans, The Child’s World, 2004
Profiles of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman, Compass Point 2003
Into the Next Millennium: Communication, The Rourke Press, 1999
Into the Next Millennium: Engineering, The Rourke Press, 1999
Into the Next Millennium: Exploration, The Rourke Press, 1999
Into the Next Millennium: Medicine, The Rourke Press, 1999
Into the Next Millennium: Transportation, The Rourke Press, 1999
Into the Next Millennium: Sports, The Rourke Press, 1999
Christmas Treasures, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 1998
Editorial Projects
Edited Magazines and Publications
Hopkins School, Views from the Hill Alumni/ae Magazine, Fall 2010 to Spring 2012
Celebrating 350 Years: Hopkins School 2009–2010, Annual Report
Cultural Heritage Arts Project of the Orchard Street Shul, Canacola, 2009
Passion, Leadership, Vision: Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation Annual Report 2005–2006
Making Connections: Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation Annual Report 2004
Pharmacy Journal of New England, Summer 2004 and Fall 2004
Transforming the Culture of Dying: The Project on Death in America, Open Society Institute, 2004
Individuals Making a Difference: Baltimore Community Fellowship Program, Open Society Institute, 2004
Open Society Institute Programs Annual Report 2004
Making Connections: Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation Annual Report 2004
Transforming the Culture of Dying: The Project on Death in America, Open Society Institute, 2004
Open Society Institute U.S. Programs Annual Report 2004
Sacred Spaces, Yale Institute of Sacred Music, 2004
Building Open Societies, 2003
Soros Foundation Network Report 2002
Bending the Bow: Targeting Women’s Human Rights and Opportunities, Open Society Institute, 2002
Open Society Institute Programs Annual Report 2002
Open Society Institute Programs Annual Report 2001
Building the New South Africa: One House, One Dream at a Time, Open Society Institute, 2001
Project on Death in America Report on Activities January 1998–December 2000, Open Society Institute, 2001
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine: Your Dog, bimonthly, January to December 2000
White Flower Farm (Fall, Spring, Holiday Catalogs; Fall, Spring Shepherd Seed Catalogs), 1999 to 2000
PieceWork magazine, bimonthly, March/April 1997 to July/August 1998
Guest editor: Special issue, PieceWork magazine, Crafts & Stories from Ellis Island, September/October 1996
Conservation by Design, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design 1994
Threads magazine (founding co-editor), bimonthly, October/November 1985 to August/September 1987
Edited Books
Lessons Learned: Conversations with My Nursing Home Patients by Tom Bell, CreateSpace, 2017
Losing Helen by Carol Becker, Red Hen Press, 2016
Rep, Rip, Reps Weave: Projects, Instruction, and Inspiration from Lucienne Coifman, Handwoven Originals, 2015
Encounters: My Life in Publishing by George Braziller, George Braziller Publishing, 2015
Hector’s Heroic Day by Patrick Jones, OctoberWorks, 2015
Roots, Stems & Branches by Linda Kaye-Moses, Blurb, 2012
Homesteading in the 21st Century: How One Family Created a More Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, and Satisfying Life by George Nash, Taunton Press, 2011
I Am Cute Dresses: 25 Simple Designs to Sew by Sato Watanabe, Interweave Press, 2011
Simple Modern Sewing: 8 Basic Patterns to Create 25 Favorite Garments by Shufu To Seikatsha, Interweave Press, 2011
Sewing Clothes Kids Love: Sewing Patterns and Instructions by Nancy Langdon and Sabine Pollehn, Creative Publishing International, 2010
More Hand-Manipulated Stitches for Machine Knitters by Susan Guagliumi, CreateSpace, 2010
Steampunk Style Jewelry by Jean Campbell, Creative Publishing International, 2010
PatternReview.com 1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts & Tips by Deepika Prakesh, Creative Publishing International, 2010
Successful Serging: From Setup to Simple and Specialty Stitches, by Beth Ann Baumgartel, Creative Publishing International, 2009
Jewelry Arts Workshop: Pure Silver Metal Clay Beads by Linda Kaye-Moses, Creative Publishing International, 2009
Making Trousers for Men and Women: A Multimedia Sewing Workshop by David Page Coffin, Creative Publishing International, 2009
One-of-a-Kind Wedding; Faux Florals and Candles by Laura Maffeo, Creative Publishing International, 2009
One-of-a-Kind Wedding: Invitations and Paper Details by Laura Maffeo, Creative Publishing International, 2009
Singer Perfect Plus: Sew a Mix-and-Match Wardrobe for Plus and Petite Plus Sizes by Kathleen Cheetham, Creative Publishing International, 2009
Wild and Wonderful Fleece Animals by Linda Carr, Creative Publishing, 2008
Beaded Collars: 10 Decorative Necklaces by Julia Pretl, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Cool Couture: Construction Secrets for Runway Style by Kenneth King, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Creating Crystal Jewelry with Swarovski: 65 Sparkling Designs by Laura McCabe, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Hooking Mats and Rugs: New Designs from an Old Tradition by Deanne Fitzpatrick, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Quilt Blocks and Quilts from Your Favorite Fabrics by Kate Perri, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Easy Singer Style: Quick and Easy Window Treatments by Madlyn Easley, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Easy Singer Style: Quick and Easy Sewing with your Serger, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Beadwork Inspired by Art: Art Nouveau Jewelry and Accessories by Judith Durant and Jean Campbell, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Beadwork Inspired by Art: Impressionist Jewelry and Accessories by Jean Campbell and Judith Durant, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Knitting Saddle Style: A Dozen Designs for Saddle-Shoulder Garments by Susan Guagliumi, Creative Publishing International, 2008
Knitting Cuff to Cuff: A Dozen Designs for Sideways-Knit Garments by Susan Guagliumi, Creative Publishing International, 2007
Easy Singer Style: Pattern-Free Clothing and Accessories by Kate Perri, Creative Publishing International, 2007
Easy Singer Style: Pattern-Free Home Accents by Becky Hanson, Creative Publishing International, 2007
Singer Simple Sewing Guide: Essential Machine-Side Tips and Techniques by the Editors of Singer Worldwide, Creative Publishing International, 2007
Singer Simple Mending and Repair: Essential Machine-Side Tips and Techniques by the Editors of Singer Worldwide, Creative Publishing International, 2007
Singer Simple Home Décor Handbook by the Editors of Singer Worldwide, Creative Publishing International, 2007
Extraordinary People of the Civil Rights Movement by Sheila Jackson Hardy and P. Stephen Hardy, Scholastic, 2007
Bead Knitted Bags by Julia Pretl, Creative Publishing International, 2006
Little Bead Boxes by Julia Pretl, Creative Publishing International, 2006
Great Paper Crafts: Ideas, Tips and Techniques by Judy Ritchie, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2004
Bound for Blue Water: Contemporary American Marine Art by J. Russell Jinishian, Greenwich Arts Workshop, 2003
Our Family Scrapbook, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2003
Baby’s Scrapbook, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2003
A Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America by Roger Tory Peterson (Peterson Field Guides), Lyons Press, 2002
A Field Guide to Birds of Western North America by Roger Tory Peterson (Peterson Field Guides), Lyons Press, 2002
Essential Cuisine by Michel Bras, Ici La Press, 2002
Vegetables by Guy Martin, Ici La Press, 2002
The Good Cuisine by Francoise Bernard and Alain Ducasse, Ici La Press, 2002
Cowboy Artists of America by Michael Duty, Greenwich Arts Workshop, 2002
Mewingham Manor by Laura von Stetina, Greenwich Arts Workshop, 2002
Classic Fairy Tales, illustrated by Scott Gustafson, Greenwich Arts Workshop, 2002
Memory Makers Family Scrapbooks: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow by Michele Gerbrandt, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2001
Great Rubber Stamping: Ideas, Tips and Techniques by Judy Ritchie, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2001
Scrapbooking with Memory Makers by Michele Gerbrandt, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 1999
Japanese Woodworking Tools: Their Tradition, Spirit, and Use by Toshio Odate, Taunton Press, 1998
The Timber-Frame Home: Design, Construction, Finishing by Tedd Benson, Taunton Press, 1997
Navajo Weaving Way: The Path from Fleece to Rug by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse, Interweave Press, 1997
The Authentic Italian Kitchen: Pasta, Strawpaper Press, 1995
The Authentic Italian Kitchen: Seafood, Strawpaper Press, 1995
Business Forms and Contracts (in Plain English) for Craftspeople by Leonard D. Duboff, Interweave Press, 1993
The Law (in Plain English) for Craftspeople by Leonard D. Duboff, Interweave Press, 1993
Willow Basketry by Bernard Verdet-Fierz and Regula Verdet-Fierz, Interweave Press, 1993
Federal Furniture by Michael Dunbar, Taunton Press, 1986
How to Carve Wood: A Book of Projects and Techniques by Rick Butz, Taunton Press, 198
Edited Books for Children and Young Adults
Now I Know Better, Too: Kids Tell Kids About Safety, Yale New Haven Health, 1999
Animal Architects: How Birds Build Their Amazing Homes by W. Wright Robinson, Blackbirch, 1999
Animal Architects: How Insects Build Their Amazing Homes by W. Wright Robinson, Blackbirch, 1999
Animal Architects: How Mammals Build Their Amazing Homes by W. Wright Robinson, Blackbirch, 1999
Animal Architects: How Shellmakers Build Their Amazing Homes by W. Wright Robinson, Blackbirch, 1999
Animal Architects: How Spiders and Other Silkmakers Build Their Amazing Homes by W. Wright Robinson, Blackbirch, 1999
Langston Hughes: An Illustrated Edition by Milton Meltzer and Stephen Alcorn, Millbrook 1997
Special Interests: How Lobbyists Influence Legislation by Jules Archer, Millbrook Press, 1997.
The Militia Movement in America by Tricia Andryszewski, Millbrook Press, 1997
The Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents by Margaret O. Hyde and Elizabeth H. Forsyth M.D., Millbrook Press, 1997
Dyslexia by Wendy Moragne, Millbrook Press, 1997
The Best Holiday Crafts Ever by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1997
Crafts for Kids Who Are Wild About Dinosaurs by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1997
Crafts for Kids Who Are Wild About Outer Space by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1997
Yo, Millard Fillmore! (And all those other presidents you don’t know) by Will Cleveland and Mark Alvarez, Millbrook Press, 1997
Black Voices from Reconstruction 1865-1837 by John David Smith, Millbrook Press, 1996
The Amazing Life of Moe Berg: Catcher, Soldier, Spy by Tricia Andryszewski, Millbrook Press, 1996
Collecting Baseball Memorabilia by Tom Owen, Millbrook Press, 1996
Crafts for Hanukkah by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1996
Crafts to Make for Your Favorite Grownup by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1996
America in World War I by Edward F. Dolan, Millbrook Press, 1996
Sharks! True Stories and Legends by Catherine Gourley, Millbrook Press, 1996
Impeaching the President by Isobel V. Morin, Millbrook Press, 1996.
Now I Know Better: Kids Tell Kids About Safety, Yale New Haven Health, 1996
The Sun by Gregory L. Vogt, Millbrook Press, 1996
Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors by Gregory L. Vogt, Millbrook Press, 1996
Earth by Gregory L. Vogt, Millbrook Press, 1996
Spike Lee and the African-American Filmmakers by K. Maurice Jones, Millbrook Press, 1996
How to Write, Recite, and Delight in All Kinds of Poetry by Joy N. Hulme and Donna W. Guthrie, Millbrook Press, 1996
AIDS: A Handbook for the Future by Marianne Levert, Millbrook Press, 1996
Dating Violence: True Stories of Hurt and Hope by John Hicks, Millbrook, 1996
Attention Deficit Disorder, Millbrook Press, 1996
Diabetes by Elizabeth Ferber, Millbrook Press, 1996
Abortion: Rights, Options, Choices by Tricia Andryszewski, Millbrook Press, 1996
Speaking Up, Speaking Out: A Kid’s Guide to Making Speeches and Oral Reports and Conversation by Steven Otfinoski, Millbrook Press, 1996
The March on Washington 1963: Gathering to Be Heard by Tricia Andryszewski, Millbrook Press, 1996
The Not-So-Minor Leagues by Douglas Gay and Kathlyn Gay, Millbrook Press, 1996
Collecting Comic Books: A Young Person’s Guide by Tom Owens, Millbrook Press, 1995
Crafts for Christmas by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1995
Crafts for Kwanza by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1995
Crafts for Easter by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1995
Crafts for Thanksgiving by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1995
Crafts for Halloween by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1995
Crafts for Valentine’s Day by Kathy Ross, Millbrook Press, 1995
Yasir Arafat: A Life of War and Peace by Elizabeth Ferber, Millbrook Press, 1995
The Manatee by Alvin, Virginia, and Robert Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn, Millbrook Press, 1995
The Black-Footed Ferret by Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn, Millbrook Press, 1995
Edited Articles
“Vive Arte Vive: The Venice Biennale in an Anxious Age,” Huffington Post, July 2017
“Tasha Tudor’s Costume Collection,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Amish Schuhbutzer: Rugs and Remnants of the Past,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“A Glimpse of Color: Amish Wedding Stockings of the Nineteenth Century,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“The Quilting Scraps and Stories of Erlinda Gonzales,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Flowers Under Foot: Simple, Sensible Scrap Rugs of the Depression Era,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Scrap-Bag Rugs,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Playful, Practical Pot Holders,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Making Do: Memories of Mending,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Reweavers: A Rare and Endangered but Essential Breed,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Scraps by Mail: Quilters’ Remnant Bundles from the 1930s,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1997
“Mexican Embroidery Samplers: Stitching Together Four Centuries, Three Traditions,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Knitting Lace: Three Patterns from a Nineteenth-Century Sampler,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“The Samplers of Portsmouth, New Hampshire,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“A Sampling of Sampler Quilts,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Prized Practice Pieces: Dutch and English Darning Sampler,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Very Special Editions: Crochet Sample Books,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Stealing with Her Eyes: Memories of Anna Rasmus Holsten,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Moravian Samplers,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Patterns Between Pages: Miss Pruden’s Lace Diary,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1997
“Ribbons All the Rage,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Treasures from the Attic: A 1920s Hat,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“The Pearly Kings and Queens of London,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“The Patterned Kuba Cloth of Zaire,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Models in the Mind: African Influences on American Quilts,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Southern Quilt Traditions in New York City,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“The Irish Crochet Lace of Clones,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Stumpwork: What’s in a Name?” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“A Designer’s Notebook: Vintage Inspirations for Beaded Knitting,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Charm Quilts,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1997
“Knitting in the Amanas,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Safe Return” (the knitting of Gotland, Sweden), PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Where the Tailor Got His Clothes,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Threads of Clare Embroidery,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Treasures from the Attic: A 1930s Baby’s Day Gown,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“The Story Book Quilts of Marion Cheever Whiteside Newton,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Keeping the Faith on Tar Beach,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Lucy Jane’s Letters Home,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Teaching Kids Kumihimo,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Baby Socks and Two Utah Pioneers,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Chinese Tigers,” PieceWork magazine, September/October 1997
“Schwalm Embroider,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“Candlewicking,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“The Love of Lace,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“Padded, Stuffed, and Corded,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“Treasures from the Attic: Whitework Bonnets,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“The Warner House Bedspread Project,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“Samplers Worked in White,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“Jennie’s Whitework, Jennie’s Ways,” PieceWork magazine, November/December 1997
“Sequined Flags of Haiti,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“A Tale of Two Champions,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“A Textile Lover’s Travels in Greece,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“Weavers of Leaves and Palm,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“The Quilts of Wales,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“Knitted Shawls of the Faroe Islands,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“Hooked Mats of Canada’s Atlantic Provinces,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“Kites of Japan,” PieceWork magazine, January/February 1998
“Bands of Beauty: The Estonian Handwork of Rita Tubalkain,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998
“Gifts of Knitting: Estonian Mittens & Gloves,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998
“Recollections of Mary Catherine Severance Winchester,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998
“Riches of Romania,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998
“A Fragment of Sicilian Cross-Stitch,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998
“The Ladies Aid of Hope Lutheran Church,” PieceWork magazine, March/April 1998
“Narcissa Thorne’s Miniature Career,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1998
“Northern Comfort: New England’s Early Quilts 1780–1850,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1998
“A Gift for Ingrid’s Wedding,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1998
“Tiny Treasures of Twin Manors,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1998
“Helen Bruce, Electra Webb, and Their Miniature Vitrines,” PieceWork magazine, May/June 1998
“Beadworkers of the Southern Plains,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“Lakota Quillworker Alice New Holy Blue Legs,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“The Neptune Family: Passamaquoddy Basket Makers,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“Cowichan Sweaters,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“Moose-Hair Embroidery of the Huron,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“Native American Quilting,” PieceWork magazine, July/August 1998
“Decorative Ribbon Work,”Threads magazine, August/September 1987
“Freestyle Embroidery,” Threads magazine, October/November 1985
“Resisting Dyes,” Threads magazine, October/November 1985
“Dazzling with Sequins,” Threads magazine, October/November 1985
“All that Glitters: Shisha by Machine,” Threads magazine, October/November 1985
“Designing the Warp,” Threads magazine, October/November 1985
“A Coat from a Blanket,” Threads magazine, December/January 1986
“All About Knitting Needles,” Threads magazine, April/May 1986
“A Perfect Pair of Pants,” Threads magazine, October/November 1986
“Color Forecasting,” Threads magazine, February/March 1986
“Log Cabins: Traditional Quilt Pattern,” Threads magazine, February/March 1986
“Lamé,” Threads magazine, December 1986/January 1987
“Fair Isle Knitting,” Threads magazine, December 1986/January 1987
“Painting and Brocading on the Loom,” Threads magazine, August/September 1986
“Vermont’s Green Mountain Spinnery,” Threads magazine, October/November 1986
“Where’s the Sport in Sportswear,” Threads magazine, December/January 1986
“Tatting,” Threads magazine, August/September 1986
“Balenciaga,” Threads magazine, June/July 1987
“Handknitting Gloves,” Threads magazine, December 1987/January 1988
“A Knitting Odyssey: The Making of a Handknit Chanel Suit,” Threads magazine, October/November 1987
“For the Best Wool Yarns, Spin Them Yourself,” Threads magazine, October/November 1987
Jeanne Criscola

Rep, Rips, Reps Weave: Commission to design and produce a portfolio and project book for author and educator, Lucienne Coifman. Consultant and project manager for editorial, photography, illustration, print production and distribution strategies. 172 pages, 8 x 10 in., 4-color.
Namati’s Work in Mozambique: Commission to design and produce a publication for Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Namati’s work in Africa on land ownership and land transfer and rights.
School’s Out: Lessons from a Forest Kindergarten: On-going design and production of promotional materials for a film about an alternative outdoor learning environment for kindergarten-age schoolchildren in Switzerland.
Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale University Nursing: Commission to updated existing materials for a bereavement experience designed and produced for distribution by Yale-New Haven Hospital’s neonatal Intensive care unit. Consists of a variety of support materials for both staff and grieving parents. Originally funded by a grant from the Picker Foundation.
Joan Fitzsimmons: Commission to design and produce a promotional portfolio catalog of Joan Fitzsimmons’s art photography. Consultant for print production and distribution strategies.
Hector’s Heroic Day: Commission to project-manage, design, produce, and publish author Patrick Jones’ book about an Hispanic boy’s journey to become a real hero. Collaboration with editor Deborah Cannarella and illustrator Chuck Lockhart. An OctoberWorks imprint. 40 pages, 8.5 x 8.5 in., 4-color.
Sacred Heart Manor Kindergarten and Nursery School: Commission to design and produce website; provide updating and maintenance.
SARAH Foundation: Commission to design and provide marketing services to foundation that provides programs and services for people with intellectual and other disabilities.
Susan Guagliumi: Commission to design and produce layout templates for author books, website and social media campaigns for author’s books about machine-knitting, Hand Knits by Machine and techniques in the garden, Handmade for the Garden. http://www.guagliumi.com
Tarantino Architects and Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art: Public relations materials and social media consultant and liaison for media inquires regarding the sale, deconstruction, and acquisition of the Bachman Wilson House, Frank Lloyd Wright’s 1954 New Jersey Usonian, by the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art’s for its collection of American architects work. https://crystalbridges.org/frank-lloyd-wright/
Connecticut Mental Health Center (CMHC): Commission to design and produce various promotion and marketing materials for a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services and Yale University Schools of Medicine and Nursing.
National Coalition Against Censorship: Commission to design and produce identity and branding for NCAC’s annual “Free Speak Matters” celebration and gala honoring Defenders of Free Speech in children’s publishing. (2016)
50th Anniversary of Connecticut Mental Health Center: Commission to design and produce branding, identity, and publication for partnership event between the State of Connecticut, Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services and Yale University Schools of Medicine and Nursing.
Open Society Foundation (OSF): Commission to create Moving Walls 23’s identity and branding for its Journeys exhibition catalog and installation graphics, an annual exhibition of OSF’s Documentary Photography Project.
Ball & Socket Arts, Inc.: Commission to design and produce website and promotions for an emerging mid-State art and cultural center in Cheshire, CT. http://www.ballandsocket.org
Greater New Haven Labor History Association: Members communications and website maintenance.
Walk New Haven / Cultural Heritage Tours: Commission to create identity and branding, logo, and marketing materials for a neighborhood community project of the Ethnic Heritage Center, residing on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University. Designed and produced a series of three books, postcards, posters, ads, and brochures for walking tours of New Haven’s historic neighborhoods. http://walknewhaven.org
Walk New Haven / Cultural Heritage Tours: Commission to adapt a design system created by Criscola Design, LLC. of the project’s identity and branding to produce an interactive, responsive website for the four walking tours of New Haven’s historic neighborhoods—a neighborhood community project of the Ethnic Heritage Center. http://walknewhaven.org
Kids Right to Read Project: Commission to design and produce the identity and publication branding for a National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) signature program—the Youth Free Expression Program—offering support, education, and advocacy to First Amendment challenges from schools and libraries to promote the freedom to read.
Transart Institute / Creative International Low-Residency MFA + PhD: Commission to produce promotional materials for the University of Plymouth, UK program admissions.
Carol Becker, Dean of Columbia University School of the Arts: Commission to create identity and branding system, logo, for Dean Becker’s website highlighting her books, publications and writings. http://www.caroldbecker.com
Ambient Intelligence: Commission to create identity and branding system complete with logo design and website for new Connecticut start-up business. Design and creation of social media campaign, stationary system and imagery library. http://www.ambientintelligence.global
CMHC Foundation: Commissioned to create new branding and identity, logo, business forms, and organizational stationary.
Atlantic Pulp: Commission to create identity and branding system, complete with logo design for new business venture, and website design and production. http://www.atlanticpulp.com
OctoberWorks, LLC: Identity and branding for publishing consultancy services. Includes editorial, design, marketing, manufacturing, and representation. On-demand and conventional publishing and imprint. http://www.octoberworks.com
Open Society Foundation (OSF): Commission to create Moving Walls 24’s identity and branding for its Here We Are exhibition catalog and installation graphics, an annual exhibition of OSF’s Documentary Photography Project.
Open Society Foundation (OSF): Commission to design and produce author and Instagram photographer Ruddy Roye’s book of images and poetry, an artist in Moving Walls 24, an annual exhibition of OSF’s Documentary Photography Project.
National Coalition Against Censorship: Commission to design and produce identity and branding for NCAC’s annual “Free Speak Matters” celebration and gala honoring Defenders of Free Speech in children’s publishing. (2017)
Me & Chris: A dog’s story by Alex: Commission to design and produce author, educator, and artist Christopher Cozzi’s book. Me & Chris is the story of a dog named Alex and his master, Chris, as told from Alex’s imagined perspective. In this highly visual, memoir-style album, the two share a lifetime of adventures: building gardens and stone walls, renovating houses, forming and ending relationships, and—in a novel and sometimes controversial way—teaching visual art to elementary school students in an urban public school. The visually rich book is fully illustrated with color photographs and the artist author’s original journal pages and artwork. An imprint of OctoberWorks, Inc. 168 pages, 8 x 10 in., 4-color.
Christopher A. Cozzi: Commission to design and produce website and social media campaign for author, educator, and artist for the launch of his new book. httsp://www.chriscozzi.com
West Rock Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine: Commission to design and produce identity and branding, logo design and promotional materials for doctor’s office. Commission to design and produce website. http://www.westrockpediatrics.com
The Orchard Street Shul and Congregation Beth Israel: Commission to design and produce event materials for Gala Reception and Concert honoring various leaders in social justice and human rights.
Broad Stripes and Bright Stars: Design and production of an exhibition catalog featuring the work of 108 artists, photography of the installed exhibit, programmed events, and writings by the curators.
The Perch: Commission to design and produce a literary journal for Yale University’s Program for Recovery and Community Health Visiting Professor Liat S. Kriegel, Ph.D., MSW. (2017)
Vulnerable but not Broken: Psychosocial Challenges and Resilience Pathways in Unaccompanied Children: Commission to design and produce of a report for Yale University Professor Manuel Paris and others. (2018)
The Asian Series: Commission to design and produce artist and photographer Phyllis Crowley’s book of photographs. Consultant for print manufacturing and distribution strategies. (2018)
Lucienne Coifman: Commission to design and produce a new website for author and educator, Lucienne Coifman for promotion of her workshop and teaching schedule and sales and promotion of her book, Rep, Rips, Reps Weave. https://www.lucienne-repweave.com
MaryBeth Bowerman: Commission to design and produce a new website for entrepreneur, MaryBeth Bowerman for promotion of her professional organizing business. https://www.inspiredorg.biz
New Haven Preservation Trust: Commission to design and produce a new website. Founded in the 1960s, the Trust has played a key role in the preservation and restoration of countless private residences and commercial buildings throughout the city of New Haven. https://nhpt.org
1985 – Present
Principal and Creative Director, Criscola Design, LLC, North Haven, CT
An award-winning multidisciplinary studio specializing in a wide range of media and scale that includes print, screen, multi-media, film, video, and environments. Its international clientele is concerned with social activism and conceptual engagement in a globalized society. Typical projects include research and development of identity and message systems, product and packaging, exhibitions and installations, annual reports, magazines, books, and presentations.
Foundations and Institutes
Aaron Diamond Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU CT)
Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation
Else Foundation
Transart Institute
Walk New Haven
Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation
Jackie Robinson Foundation
National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC)
Open Society Foundations (OSF)
Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI)
Perrin Family Foundation
Revenue Watch Institute
Soros Economic Development Fund
Soros Foundations Network
The After-School Corporation
The World Bank Group
Vera Institute of Justice
Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Arts, Culture, and Media
Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust
Ethnic Heritage Center
Documentary Photography Project
Newsweek’s Ellis Cose, Against the Odds (PRI)
CT Commission on Culture and Tourism
Ely Center of Contemporary Art
Tarantino Architect
Transart Institute
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Holocaust Memorial Center
New Haven Ballet
Orchestra New England
Society for American Baseball Research
Westport Arts Center
International Arts & Ideas Festival
Yale University Art Gallery
Film Fest New Haven
Life Science
West Rock Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Yale Office of Cooperative Research (OCR)
454 Life Sciences
Wyeth Ayerst
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Cellular Genomics
Research and Social Sciences
CUNY Institute for Demographic Research
Connecticut United for Research Excellence
Connecticut’s BioBus
Achievement First Schools
Quinnipiac University
Chapel Haven
Miss Porter’s School
Transart Institute
Yale-China Association
Yale University School of Medicine
Central European University Press
Motion and Film
50th Anniversary of the Connecticut Mental Health Center, 2016, motion graphic
Tatanka, 2013, Jacob Bricca, director
School’s Out, Lessons from a Forest Kindergarten, 2012, Lisa Molomot, director and Rona Richter, producer
The Hill, 2012, Lisa Molomot, director
Faces and Places: The People of the Foundations in the Western Balkans 1991–2011, 2011, Beka Vuco, Open Society Foundations
You Can’t Sing it for Them: A Year in the Life of a Church Musician, 2011, Margot Fassler and Jacqueline Richards, Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Performing the Passion: J. S. Bach and the Gospel According to John, 2010, Margot Fassler and Jacqueline Richards, Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Last Days of the Coliseum, 2010, Richard Hanley, producer, Connecticut Public Television (CPTV)
Professional and Business
Ambient Intelligence
Atlantic Pulp
Carol Becker, Dean, Columbia School of the Arts
Susan Guagliumi
Lucienne Coifman
Blue Back Square
Cantor Colburn
Soros Fund Management
Healthcare and Medicine
Yale Cancer Center
Yale Medicine
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Connecticut Mental Health Center
CMHC Foundation
Project on Death in America
Physicians for Reproductive Choice & Health
Oxford Health Plans
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
Gilardoni SpA
Pharmacy Journal of New England
Veterans Administration
1985 – 1987 | Director and Curator
The John Slade Ely House, New Haven, Connecticut
Administration of a nonprofit art gallery and creation of policies and criteria for exhibitions and public relations. Curated 10 exhibitions in the first year.
1983 – 1985 | Assistant Art Director
Kirchoff/Wohlberg, Inc., Connecticut and New York
Handled large-scale educational book projects (textbooks, teaching manuals, workbooks, and all other ancillary materials) from concept and design through all stages of layout, production, and prepress composition. Responsibilities included design of covers and grids for text pages. Worked with editors, illustrators, photo researchers, photographers, and production vendors. Clients included Random House, Houghton Mifflin, Macmillian, Scholastic, and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
1981 – 1983 | Graphic Designer
The Taunton Press, Newtown, Connecticut
Assistant Art Director for the promotion and advertising department of Fine Woodworking and Fine Homebuilding magazines and Taunton Press Books. Responsibilities included the design of direct-mail packages, catalogs, brochures, exhibits, and space advertising. Worked as a subcontractor designing covers and end papers for a series of homebuilding books, drawings for textile construction books, and miscellaneous direct-mail projects.
1977 – 1985 | Founding Director and Curator
The Sarah Doyle Gallery at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Responsibilities included curating exhibitions, creation of policies and guidelines for gallery operation. Directorship was previously handled and subsequently assumed by committee. Staff liaison between Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University, Founder of committee for gallery fund-raising, 1977 to 1980. Co-chairman of the Gallery Board, 1980 to 1982. Board member, 1982 – 1985.
Central Connecticut State University, 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award. New Britain, CT.
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Gold Award/Special Report category for Open Society Time, a report on the Open Society Foundations work, New York, NY. “Beautifully organized” “excellent design”
Connecticut Nurses Association. Media Award for 2012 Nursing Update Annual Report of the work of the nurse at Yale-New Haven Hospital toward completion of the Magnet journey on the state of nursing at Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT.
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Mercury Awards. Silver Award in the Special Recognition category for the 2009 Nursing Update on the state of nursing at Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT.
American Institute of Architects, New Jersey. Design Award in Preservation Category, presentation on behalf of Tarantino Architects, Millstone, NJ. “The chronological presentation board was loved by the jurors.”
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Gold Award/Publication category for Open Society News for Open Society Institute, New York, NY.
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Bronze Award/Special Report category for Restoring American Leadership, report on domestic programs for Open Society Institute, New York, NY. “A policy publication designed in a creative way.” “Easier to understand due to design.”
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Silver Award/Annual Report category for U.S. Programs 2003 Annual Report, report on domestic programs for Open Society Institute, New York, NY. “For its effective, well organized structure and its “visually rich” images and layout.”
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Silver Award/Public Policy Campaign category for www.revenuewatch.org, Open Society Institute, New York, NY.
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Silver Award/Special Reports category for Bending the Bow: Targeting Women’s Human Rights and Opportunities, a report on international women’s programs for the Soros Foundations Network, New York, NY. “Strong and compelling publication,” “a pleasure to look at.”
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. A Special Recognition Award for Building the New South Africa, One House, One Dream at a Time, a book about rebuilding South Africa for the Soros Foundations Network, New York, NY. “Visually captivating.”
12th Annual Admissions Advertising Awards. Gold Award, Quinnipiac University Annual Report, Hamden, CT.
Health Public Relations and Marketing News, Best Public Relations Campaign. Now I Know Better: Kids Tell Kids About Safety, a book of stories written by children about their accidents and injuries for Yale-New Haven Hospital.
11th Annual Admissions Advertising Awards. Gold Award for Quinnipiac University Annual Report, Hamden, CT.
Atlanta Design Competition. Honorable Mention for Public Space in the New American City, Atlanta, GA.
CASE (Council on Advancement & Support for Education) Regional Award for Excellence in Design. Silver Medal/Annual Report category, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT.
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Silver Award/Special Report category for Children of Atlantis, a book of essays by young adults from the former Yugoslavia for Soros Foundations Network, New York, NY.
Printing Industry of America Award for Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters from Sarajevo. Hartford, CT
10th Annual Admissions Advertising Awards. Gold Award for Quinnipiac University Annual Report, Hamden, CT.
Council on Foundations, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Gold Award/Special Reports category for Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters from Sarajevo, a book of letters by children during Bosnia-Herzegovina wartime for the Soros Foundation Network, New York, NY.
Museum Publications Design Competition, American Association of Museums. Second Place for Conservation by Design, an exhibition catalogue designed and produced for Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI and the Woodworkers Alliance for Rainforest Protection (WARP), South Berwick, ME.
Ely Center of Contemporary Art (ECOCA) | Founder and Board Chair & President, 2015 – Present | The Ely Center of Contemporary Art’s mission is to reaffirm Grace T. Ely’s testamentary wishes for a contemporary public art center—within her Elizabethan home—where arts organizations and the public assemble, exchange, learn, and engage through emerging artistic and cultural practices. https://elycenter.org
Else Foundation, Inc. | Co-Founder and Advisory Board Member, 2017 – Present | A new creative research platform and consortium of independent global creative research institutions that supports and instigates collaborative research, projects and practices within contemporary creative research and production connecting in the spaces in between through ELSE Journal publications, an online platform, and residencies. https://www.elsefoundation.org/
Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. | Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Advisory Board, 2015 – Present | FJSEHCA was formed as a 501(c)3 to lead an effort to save a beloved New Haven institution and forge a new path for the 60-year-old contemporary art center. Led a successful two-year effort through court proceedings with stakeholders that include the City of New Haven, Connecticut Attorney Generals office, Greater New Haven Community Foundation, Wells Fargo (Trustee), ACES/ECA and other New Haven and Connecticut arts and cultural organizations.
College Book Art Association (CBAA) | Member | Committed to the teaching of book arts at the college and university level and concerned with both the practice and the analysis of the medium, aiming to engage in a continuing reappraisal of the nature and meaning of the book arts. https://www.collegebookart.org/
University and College Designers Association (UCDA) | Member | is an organization of designers working in academia providing for professional and personal growth of its members, advocacy for designer and educator roles within members institutions. https://www.ucda.com/
ACM SIGGRAPH | Digital Arts Community Member | An international organization made up of people who share a passion for computer graphics and interactive techniques and are involved in a wide variety of fields, including computer graphics research, software development, digital art, scientific visualization, interactive technology, game design, visual effects, computer science, education, engineering, graphic design, film and television production, scientific research and more.
Design Incubation | Subscriber | Organization of designers in academia for professional and personal growth of its members, advocacy for designer and educator roles. https://www.designincubation.com/
American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) | Member | Professional organization for designers practicing all forms of communication design, including graphic design, typography, interaction design, branding and identity. AIGA sets the design industries standards for ethics, best practices, and compensations.
Norwalk Community College | Visual Communications Advisory Board Member
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) | Member
Yale-New Haven Health, Premature Life Transitions: Picker Institute Grant | Board Member, 2011 – 2015
Graphic Artists Guild | Member, 1994 – 2014
Rhizome | Council Member 2013
Projects for a New Millennium, Stony Creek, CT, 2000 – 2006
Artspace, New Haven, CT | Board member, 1995 – 2004
The Sarah Doyle Gallery at Brown University | Founder and Co-chairman of the Gallery Board, 1980 – 1982, Board member, 1982 – 1985.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Else Journal Issue 00: Trans What? and Everything Else. Designer and producer of peer-reviewed journal of International Art, Literature, Theory, and Creative Media. 2015
Suture. Published artwork in Else Journal Issue 00: Trans What? and Everything Else, a peer-reviewed journal of International Art, Literature, Theory, and Creative Media. 2015
Else Journal Issue 01: On Contemplation and Everything Else. Designer and producer of peer-reviewed journal of International Art, Literature, Theory, and Creative Media. 2016
The Artist’s Memoir. Acquisition of a 2016 presentation delivered with editor Deborah Cannarella for the Transcultural Exchange on-line repository of presentations delivered at the International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts: Expanding Worlds, Boston, MA. 2016
19th Generative Art Conference DVD. Conference publications and proceedings published on DVD, Domus Argenia / CRF Foundation, Florence, Italy. 2016
Else Journal Issue 02: The Imperceptible Self. Designer and producer of peer-reviewed journal of International Art, Literature, Theory, and Creative Media. 2017
CT (Un) Bound, Oral History—Recipe Memories. A contribution to CT (un) Bound, a Yale University Art Gallery and Artspace exhibition; curators Sarah Fritchey and Martha Lewis, New Haven, CT. 2014
The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow! Book. Featuring National Coalition Against Censorship’s “Dissent” poster; branding for Yale University’s Office of Cooperative Research. Sharon Steuer, author. 2006
Maniac: Manic Episode 5, exhibition catalog. Curator Kevin Daly, New Haven, CT, 2017
“Orchard Street Shul Exhibit Examines Community and Cultural Identity” art review by Judy Birke, New Haven Register, January 10, 2010
New Haven Magazine, December Issue. “Reliving History” Article on the Cultural Heritage Artists Project of the Orchard Street Shul, featuring details and stills from the installation titled Florence Mednicow. Karen Singer, author. 2009
“Art Domesticated on River Street” art review by Alan Appel, New Haven Independent, March 13, 2009
“ALL makes a promised comeback with River Street Gallery show” art review by Judy Birke, New Haven Register, March 1. 2009
“Big Show at the Small Space” art review by Alan Appel, New Haven Independent, November 19, 2008
INtransit Volume 3 Video Journal. Published “Land Grab” and “RocknRoller” videos, The AstroDime Transit Authority, Lowell, MA, 2008
Yale Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. ”Found in Translation.” Illustration for article on genetics. 1998
Time Capsule, Compilation and concise encyclopedia of women artists. Robin Kahn, editor. Creative Time in cooperation with SOS International. New York, NY. 1996
Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters From Sarajevo, 20 x 24 inch Polaroid Polacolor photographs. The Open Society Institute (Open Society Foundations), New York, NY. 1994
Threads Magazine, “Designing the Warp: Parallel Considerations” Premier Issue. The Taunton Press, Newtown, CT. Author of article and illustrations. 1985
“Reluctantly, Artists Learn Law” article by Charlotte Libov, The New York Times, May 5, Connecticut Weekly 1985
Live Culture with Martha Willimette Lewis | WPKN Bridgeport radio show about the Change.org Campaign to Save the John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, its court proceedings underway, and the formation of Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art. August, 2015
Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art | Spearheaded effort to save a public art center In New Haven in order to continue its legacy. Founded and Incorporated in Connecticut as Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. in 2015 and formed as a 501(c)3 in 2016. Executive Board President overseeing operations and programming 2016–present. Lead design and marketing efforts that includes website and social media. Outreach and partnership leader for executive and community matters. https://www.elycenter.org
Walk New Haven | Advisor to the Ethnic Heritage Center for their cultural heritage tours project series that showcases four of New Haven’s historic and ethnic neighborhoods: Lower Dixwell, Wooster Square, Downtown, and Downtown North. http://www.walknewhaven.org
International Festival of Arts & Ideas, Ideas on Foot | Provided support and marketing strategies to the Ethnic Heritage Center for the debut of their Walk New Haven Cultural Heritage Tours project at the 2017 Arts & Ideas summer festival. https://www.artidea.org/event/2017/2809, https://www.artidea.org/event/2017/281, https://www.artidea.org/event/2017/2819
Ely Center of Contemporary Art | Identity and branding, and logo design. Design and creation of website, social media campaign for development, programming, and promotion. http://www.elycenter.org
Arts Council of Greater New Haven / Technical Series Workshop | Lecture/workshop on website platforms and practices for artists who want to create a personal portfolio style website. Published in the Arts Paper. New Haven, CT. June, 2017. https://issuu.com/artscouncil9/docs/arts_paper_june_final_9b950ae10d6462
Maniac Manic Episode 5 | Artist talk and presentation event as part of outreach and community programming for the exhibition. October, 2017
Transart Institute / Winter Residency Presentation | Presentation and artist talk with a reading from the book/box Oral History: Recipe Memories, an artwork collaboration with Joan Fitzsimmons, Brooklyn, NY. January, 2016
Opportunities in the Arts: Expanding Worlds: TransCultural Exchange’s International Conference | “The Artists Memoir”, a presentation and round-table discussion with editor Deborah Cannarella. Boston, MA. February, 2016.
19th Generative Art Conference | Domus Argenia/CRF Foundation, Florence, Italy | Artist talk, exhibition, and presentation of creative research and project work. December, 2016
Opportunities in the Arts: Exploring New Horizons": TransCultural Exchange’s International Conference| “Bespoke Multiples” Workshop and Presentation. Quebec, Canada. February, 2018.
Interior architecture competition, Aetna Corporation, Hartford, CT USA. 1984
Percent for Art Finalist, Connecticut Commission on the Arts, Hartford, CT USA. 1982
Percent for Art Finalist, Connecticut Commission on the Arts, Hartford, CT USA. 1981
Franklin Furnace Archives, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY USA
Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters from Sarajevo, documentation of wartime correspondence from children during wartime in Sarajevo
Connecticut Children’s Hospital, Hartford, CT USA
Children and Sports, digital photography mural
Yale University, Office of Cooperative Research, New Haven, CT USA
Branding and Identity, installation
Period.: 100 Percents of Black. 2nd Edition. An artists’ book based on the attributes of the punctuation mark reinterpreted from 100–0 percents of the color black. An imprint of Useless Press and Criscola Design, LLC. 8.5 x 8.5 in., 110 pages, 4-color.
Pattern Fractal: A wall of fractal pixelations using an algorithm to generate iterations of pattern that are reassembled and reconfigured into a wall-size surface of patterning.
World View/Looking Down: Ink-jet print series of photographic reconstructions of satellite imagery, 20 x 23 in.
Bespoke Wearables: Series of photographic reconstructions of satellite imagery reconstructed into of digitally printed textiles made into scarves.
VIDA Designer: Project research initiative to study and test design, production, and manufacturing capabilities of emerging digital textile manufacturing where designers are connected globally with local crafts producers and consumers worldwide. Collection of fashion accessories can be seen at https://shopvida.com/search?x=0&y=0&q=JEANNE+CRISCOLA
tech-no-logica: the question concerning work technology. 1st Edition. An artists’ book based on Martin Heidegger’s work The Question Concerning Technology. An imprint of Useless Press and Criscola Design, LLC. 8.5 x 8.5 in., 102 pages, 4-color.
Artspace, Oral History: Recipe-Memories performance with Joan Fitzsimmons for the gathering of Eastern European artists exhibiting in the Vertical Reach: Political Protest and the Militant Aesthetic Now exhibition. Curators Sarah Fritchey and Martha Lewis. New Haven, CT
Central Booking Art Space, Oral History: Recipe-Memories performance with Joan Fitzsimmons. Annual Gala and Exhibition. Curator Martha Lewis. New York, NY
Exhibitions / Screenings
Ely Center of Contemporary Art, Silence Breakers. An unjuried, open call exhibition of artwork by in response to the #MeToo movement. Screening of black or white, video, 0.31 mins. New Haven, CT
Ely Center of Contemporary Art, Maniac Manic Episode 5. An exhibition of artwork by international artist members with the intent to facilitate the sharing of ideas, critique, and organization of exhibitions outside of the main-stream gallery venues. Exhibited Fractal, silk tapestry and Fractal Detail, print on metal. New Haven, CT
Artspace and the New Haven Armory, City-Wide Open Studios (CWOS). Exhibitor and participant in the annual 2017 artist event. Exhibition of digital prints, New Haven, CT
SIGGRAPH 2017 Conference, Digital Arts Community, Kiosk Exhibition. Curator Victoria Szabo, Los Angeles, CA
The Institute Library, Evidence: Art and Fact, Group Exhibition of 20 x 24 in. Polaroid Polacolors and the book, Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters From Sarajevo, Curator Martha Lewis, New Haven, CT
Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University, 19th Generative Art International, Domus Argenia / CRF Foundation, Florence, Italy
The Redwood Valley Grange, The Anthropocene: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives. 46th Earth Day Exhibition. Curator Jaye Alison Moscariello, Ukiah, CA.
Artspace, a Recipe-Memories performance with Joan Fitzsimmons. Vertical Reach: Political Protest and the Militant Aesthetic Now exhibition. Curators Sarah Fritchey, Martha Lewis, New Haven, CT.
Artspace Reading Room, a contribution to CT (un) Bound, a Yale University Art Gallery and Artspace collaboration exhibition; Oral History: Recipe-Memories, curator Martha Lewis, New Haven, CT.
City-Wide Open Studios (CWOS); Alternative Space Commission, Oral History: Recipe-Memories, a site-specific installation and performance, curator Sarah Fritchey, the Goffee Street Armory, New Haven, CT. The commission was made possible by an NEA Our Town and Andy Warhol Foundation grant.
Akus Gallery, FUSE, Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT
T.A.S. Temporary Art Space, International Exhibition, Group Exhibition, Groningen, The Netherlands
Our Community at Winchester: An Elm City Story, a historical exhibit of designed and produced about workers struggles and the demise of one of New Haven area’s largest employers, U.S. Repeating Arms Company, in the 20th century. Curator Joan Cavanagh, New Haven, CT
Triennale di Milano Museum, 16th Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy
T.A.S. Temporary Art Space, International Exhibition, Group Exhibition, Groningen, The Netherlands
Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik, Maniac: Manic Episode 3 International Sonderausstellung, Group Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany
John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art; Participants, Group Show, New Haven, CT
The Gallery at Haskins Laboratories, Yale University, Rules of Conversion: Artists Explore Embedded and Encoded Language, Group Exhibition, curators Debbie Hesse and Carol Padberg, New Haven, CT
Brickhouse Art Gallery, Maniac: Manic Episode 2, Group Exhibition, Sacramento, CA
Reynolds Gallery, Jeannette Powell Art Center, University of the Pacific, Maniac: Manic Episode 2 Group Exhibition, Stockton, CA
Kohn-Joseloff Gallery, Cheshire Academy, Virtual Really, Solo Exhibition, curator, Karleen Kubat, Cheshire, CT
Concentart, Transart International Collective, Spaces In Between, Berlin, Germany
Sideshow Gallery, Transart Institute Alumni and Student Show, Brooklyn, NY
John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Cultural Heritage Artists Project of the Orchard Street Shul, Group Show, New Haven, CT
Artspace, Maniac: Manic Episode 1, Group Exhibition, Hartford, CT
Creative Arts Workshop, Cultural Passages, What’s art got to do with it? Juried Show, New Haven, CT
LOOP Festival at Hotel Amister, VideoAKT, curators Angie Bonino and Irene Pascual, Barcelona, Spain
Arts + Literature Laboratory Gallery (ALL); Oppositions Juried Show, curator Howard el-Yasin, New Haven, CT
Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University, XI Generative Art International, Milan, Italy
Small Space Gallery; En Masse Juried Show, curator Suzan Shutan, New Haven, CT
OK Centrum for Contemporary Art, Transart Institute; MFA Thesis Show, curators Laura Bardier and Leonardo Marz, Linz, Austria
GlogauAIR Art Center, VideoAKT, curators Angie Bonino and Irene Pascual, Berlin, Germany
119 Gallery, INtransit Juried Screening, Lowell, MA
Everson Museum of Art, On the Move Juried Exhibit, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Chelsea Space and New Life Shop Galleries, (New Life) Trajectories, curators Sixten Kai Nielson and Martin Rosengaard, New York, NY and Berlin, Germany
Society for Literature, Science, & the Arts Annual Conference; Code Juried Screening, Portland, ME
Southern Connecticut State University, Earl Hall, Design is a Social Skill, Solo Exhibit, New Haven, CT
Arts + Literature Laboratory Gallery (ALL); Contemporary Perspectives Group Show, New Haven, CT
Creative Arts Workshop, Cultural Passages, Identity Made Visible Juried Show, New Haven, CT
Guggenheim Museum, Robert Whitman’s Local Report: Video/Media Collaboration, Connecticut Team, New York, NY
Artspace, New Haven Designs 1st Annual Juried Show, New Haven, CT
The State Museum of Pennsylvania; Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters From Sarajevo, Harrisburg, PA
International Center for Photography and Soros Foundations, Dear Unknown Friend, Children’s Letters From Sarajevo: An Exhibition of 20x24 in. Polaroid Polacolors, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Kiev, Minsk, Sofia, Tirana, Warsaw, Tallin, Bratislava, Prague, and St. Petersburg
Eli Whitney Museum, Rhode Island School of Design Connecticut Alumni, Hamden, CT
Artspace, Woman: Image and Artist Juried Show, New Haven, CT
Western Connecticut State University, Faculty Show, Danbury, CT
University of Hartford, Connecticut Women Artists Juried Show, Hartford, CT
Wesleyan Potters, Faculty Show, Middletown, CT
Brown University, Sarah Doyle Gallery, A Show of Valentines, Providence, RI
Wesleyan University, Connecticut Textile Artists Juried Show, Middletown, CT
Brown University, Sarah Doyle Gallery, Solo Exhibit, Rhode Island School of Design Thesis Show, Providence, RI
Woods-Gerry/Rhode Island School of Design, Textiles Exhibition, Providence, RI
Woods-Gerry/Rhode Island School of Design, Furniture and Textiles, Providence, RI
Woods-Gerry/Rhode Island School of Design, Textiles Exhibition, Providence, RI
Southeastern Massachusetts University, Interlace Juried Show, Allendale, MA
University of Massachusetts, New England Artists Juried Show, Amherst, MA
$1,200 travel grant from Carol A. Ammon College of School of Arts & Sciences, Central Connecticut State University, to present and exhibit at International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts: Exploring New Horizons, TransCultural Exchange, “Bespoke Multiples” Presentation. Quebec, Canada. February, 2018.
$1,400 travel grant from School of Arts & Sciences to present and exhibit at the 19th Generative Art Conference in Florence, Italy, December 2016
Grant Proposal, “World View: Looking Down” Office of Grants and Funded Research, Central Connecticut State University, $250 grant awarded from the NEA Our Town and Andy Warhol Foundation for Oral History: Recipe Memories project, a collaboration with Joan Fitzsimmons, New Haven, CT. 2015
$30,000 grant awarded to Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. from the John Slade Ely Trust for operations and programming of the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT. 2016
$12,000 grant awarded from the Phoebe Foundation to the Greater New Haven Labor History Association to edit, design, and produce a book using text and images from Our Community at Winchester: An Elm City Story, an exhibition about the demise of Winchester’s U.S. Repeating Arms Company and the impact on its workers and community, New Haven, CT. 2016
$3,500 grant submitted to REGI Grant for Oral History; Recipe Memories Potluck Westville event with collaborator Joan Fitzsimmons. 2016
$5,500 matching grant awarded from Community Foundation for Greater New Haven to Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. for Ely Center of Contemporary Art programming initiatives, New Haven, CT. 2016
$29,000 grant awarded to Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. from the John Slade Ely Trust for operations and programming of the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT. 2017
$3,000 grant awarded to Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. from the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation for the Ely Center of Contemporary Art programming initiatives, New Haven, CT. 2017
$15,000 grant submitted to the Phoebe Foundation to print and promote the book Our Community at Winchester: An Elm City Story, about the demise of Winchester’s U.S. Repeating Arms Company and the impact on its workers and community, New Haven, CT.
$5,000 grant submitted to the Mayor’s Neighborhood Cultural Vitality Grant, City of New Haven Department of Arts, Culture and Tourism for a community mural project lead by Katro Storm with ACES Aspire program students and Citizen’s TV with the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT. 2017
$3,500 grant submitted to the New Alliance Foundation from Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. for Ely Center of Contemporary Art operations, New Haven, CT. 2017
$500 grant awarded by the New York Community Trust to Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. for operations of the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT. 2017
Application for a Yale University President’s Public Service Fellowship Graduate Student Fellowship Placement, Summer 2018, from Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. for Ely Center of Contemporary Art operations and programming, New Haven, CT. 2018
Recipient of a Pro Bono Partnership Attorney for legal matters concerning the Friends of John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art, Inc. operations of the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT. 2018
MFA Transart Institute, Danube University Krems, Austria | New Media
BFA Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI USA
AS Endicott College, Beverly, MA USA
Carol A. Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Newsletter “Graphic Information Design Students Have Their Work Exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2017” by Jeanne Criscola, October 2017 (http://www2.ccsu.edu/classnewsletter/?) YouTube video of Student Work Submission https://youtu.be/Nwnu_Bn78hU
Design Department Assessment 2017: Developed a rubric for assessment of DES 122: Fundamentals of Graphic Design for General Education category.
Design Department Assessment 2018: Developed a rubric for assessment of DES 122: Fundamentals of Graphic Design for General Education category.
Presentation to AIGA CCSU chapter meeting on Bespoke Multiples.
CCSU President’s Branding Committee. Invited to serve on the Branding Committee to find a new voice and message for the University.
Multi-State Assessment: Developed an Information Literacy project for the General Education category assigned in DES 122 titled “Alphanumeric.” Worked with Yvonne Kirby and Martha Kruys. Intend to compile artifacts from Fall 2017 for review at next Multi-State Assessment Conference.
2015 – Present
Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT. Assistant Professor, Graphic and Information Design: Teaching Design I, II, IV, Fundamentals of Design, History & Design of Typography, and History of Design.
Recipient: 2016 Faculty Development Travel Grant for 19th Generative Art Conference, Florence, Italy.
Award: 2017 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll
2012 – 2015
Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT. Adjunct faculty, graphic design: Graphic Design I, Typography, Information Graphics, and Interactive Design.
Recipient: Faculty Development Grant for Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy.
2014 – 2015
Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT. Adjunct faculty, digital design and art: Information Graphics.
Norwalk Community College, Norwalk, CT. Adjunct faculty, Art&Design: Interactive Design, Color Theory.
Gateway Community College, New Haven, CT. Adjunct faculty, Middle College students: Design for Web.
2004 – 2013 and 1990 – 1991
Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT. Adjunct faculty. Lecture and design courses for School of Communications (Media Design) and College of Visual and Performing Arts, Interactive Digital Design Department (Digital Design I, II, and Motion Graphics II).
Writing Across the Curriculum | 2007 seminar participant/designed to promote and increase writing in university courses.
1986 – 1994
Paier College of Art, Hamden, CT. Adjunct faculty. Lecture/design course on textile design for interior design majors.
1985 – 1987
Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT. Adjunct faculty. Studio courses included Typography, Package Design, Production, and Silkscreen for design majors.
1980 – 1985
Wesleyan Potters, Middletown, CT. Instructor of textiles
Winter 1985
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI. Visiting critic for textiles seminar and silkscreen course.
Summer 1980
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME. Assistant instructor of textile and apparel design.
Winter 1979
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI. Bookbinding seminar. Seminar for juniors.
Opportunities in the Arts, TransCultural Exchange Conference, Quebec City, CA | Bespoke Multiples: Navigating the Demands of On-Demand—Presentation and Round-table Discussion | February, 2018
ELSE Journal: The Imperceptible Self. Launch, Presentation, and Reading, Dumbo, Brooklyn | January, 2017
The Arts Council of Greater New Haven. Lecture and workshop on best website platforms and practices for creating an artists website. July, 2017
Maniac: Manic Episode 5. An artist talk on the artworks in exhibition. October, 2017
19th Generative Art Conference, Domus Argenia / CRF Foundation, Florence, Italy | December 15–18, 2016
The Windows Project—A Celebration of Cheshire Artists, Ball & Socket Arts Center, Cheshire, CT | Juror for exhibition | September, 2016
Expanding Worlds, TransCultural Exchange Conference, Boston, MA | The Artists Memoir—Presentation and Round-table Discussion with Deborah Cannarella | February 23–27, 2016
ELSE Journal: On Contemplation. Presentation/artist talk and reading from Oral History: Recipe Memories Box, Brooklyn | January, 2016
Live Culture with Martha Willimette Lewis. WPKN Bridgeport radio show on Campaigns to Save the John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art in New Haven with Ronald Pacacha. 2015
Eastern Connecticut State University | Artist Talk/Interview | Willimantic, CT. 2015
Central Connecticut State University | Artist Talk/Interview | New Britain, CT. 2015
ELSE Journal: Trans What? and Everything Else. Launch, Presentation, and Reading, Dumbo, New York. 2015
16th Generative Art Conference, Triennale di Milano Museum, Milan, Italy | Dec. 10–14, 2013
Celebrate Connecticut Women Entrepreneurs, first state-wide conference at UConn Stamford. Exhibitor and participant. Created a promotional screen-based presentation and provided sample publications | July
Kohn-Joseloff Gallery, Cheshire Academy; Virtual Really, Artist talk on solo exhibition, Cheshire, CT. 2010
Donau-Universität Krems, Transart Institute, Austria | Virtual Critic | MFA Winter Residency, Brooklyn, NY. 2010
The Binnie Klein Show WPKN Bridgeport radio show on the Cultural Heritage Artists Project of the Orchard Street Shul with Cynthia Rubin. 2010
John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art | panel participant on the Cultural Heritage Artists Project of the Orchard Street Shul, New Haven, CT. 2010
Quinnipiac University | Visiting Lecturer, Basic Digital Techniques | Graduate Journalism. 2009
11th Generative Art Conference, Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy | Paper Presentation and Projection Installation. 2008
MFA Graduate Exhibition | Donau-Universität Krems, Transart Institute, Austria, tech_no_logica
American Institute of Graphic Arts Annual Conference (AIGA), Boston, MA | Participant
Connecticut Culture & Tourism | Governor’s Conference Presenter, Brand and Web 2.0. 2007
Quinnipiac University | Public Affairs Presenter, Designing for Publication. 2001
Connecticut Culture & Tourism Percent for Art Program | Projects Juror. 1998
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; Eli Whitney Technical School, Hamden, CT; New Britain Court House, New Britain, CT; Connecticut Agricultural Station, New Haven, CT. 1998
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Southern Connecticut Chapter | Conference Presenter. 1998
Council on Advancement & Support for Education (CASE) | Annual Awards Juror. 1995
National Portfolio Day | Invited by Rhode Island School of Design to review student portfolios from the Northeast Region. 1998